At Compost Power Lab, we analyze soil microbiota allowing informed decision-making when it comes to growing biologically.
Based in North Florida, we provide comprehensive biological assessments of soil, compost, compost extracts and teas.
For our clients who want to grow healthy crops without the use of harmful synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, knowing and managing soil biology is essential. In a healthy soil, microorganisms perform the role of fertilizers and pesticides without all the negative impacts. Is your soil biology present?
Certain communities of microorganisms are necessary to grow specific types of plants. For example, tomatoes thrive in soil biology that is different from what is preferred by weeds. A grower can tweak the biology, in order to grow what they desire. Do you have the right biology to grow what you want?
Knowing your soil biology allows you making an informed decision about what microorganisms should be added to the soil and what soil amendments should be applied. Do you know the biological content of your soil amendments?
Trained and certified by Dr. Elaine’s™ Soil Food Web School, our lab-tech performs a full biological assessment of your soil, compost, extract, or tea, and provides you with a detailed report about the current biological conditions and how it compares to the conditions required by your desired crop.
Ready to Take a Look at Your Soil Biology?
Fill out the Request Form here:
Under Microscope