Soil Biology Assessment

In our Soil Biology Assessment, we follow the method developed by Dr. Elaine Ingham using brightfield microscopy.

What's Included In the Assessment

A Complete Soil Food Web Assessment includes quantification of all of the following organism groups:

  • actinobacteria

  • total bacteria

  • total fungi

  • oomycetes (disease-causing fungi)

  • protozoa (separate counts for flagellates, amoebae, and cilliates)

  • beneficial nematodes (separate counts for bacterial-feeding, fungal-feeding, and predatory nematodes) and detrimental root-feeding nematodes

Compost, compost extracts and teas can be analyzed similarly to soil samples.

The Soil Biology Report will present the assessment data in relation to the requirements of the plants that you would like to grow.

With the Soil Biology Report in hand, you will have a clear picture of the active microbiological community in your soil to develop and implement a biological treatment plan for your growing needs.

Step-by-Step Process

  • Request Soil Biology Assessment

    1. Request an assessment

    Please, fill out the request form below. If you already know how many samples you need, we will email you an invoice. If you are unsure how many samples you need, we will call you to discuss that.

  • Collect and ship samples

    2. Collect your sample(s)

    Please, collect your samples the same day as you ship them. Follow the instructions in the Sample Collection Protocol below.

  • 3. Ship Your Sample(s)

    An overnight shipping is ideal and will provide the most accurate results, but 2-3 day delivery is acceptable for solid samples in cooler months. Please, print, fill out, and attach the Microscope Analysis Submission Form (below) with your sample(s).

    Please, send us the tracking number when your samples are shipped.

  • Biology Report

    4. Receive your results

    Results will be emailed to you within 2 days of us receiving the sample(s)